Friday 4 November 2011

In My Memories...

1st August 2011

... I was in my hometown at this day and planning to get back to KL on the same day but my lucky that I haven't go back yet when I receive the news when I awaken from my evening sleep "Eric has passed away in an accident just morning..." I was really shocked and stunned at a place for a minute since he's too young for this event even though I know that he has done a lot of mistake previously in his life, I'm still trying to accept this event although it's not something that's easy to be digested..."

23rd September2011

... Today I just came back home from KL with some sadness which is still disturbing my feelings... suddenly I received a call from one of my old schoolmate and even my BFF too asking that "Did you heard that our friend Enthyran has passed away in an accident just morning???" It was shocking news in my life after a month I have lose my beloved cousin brother, Eric. I can't image it to anyone how I felt for that present moment, but honestly I couldn't accept the fact since Enthyran and me had worked together for a lot of projects related to library and prefect organization together when our schooling time since I was the head prefect and he was the assistant of mine for the year 2007. I know how honourable and valuable person he is not only in my life, but for everyone that knows him as well. I solute him for how he lived and I need to say "I love you and miss you so much my friend Enthyran", you're the best of the rest always forever!!!

For both of you, I was unable to say a sorry in a nearest time before your decease, but please let me to take this opportunity to say sorry guys… I love and miss you guys so much!!!


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